Frequently Asked Questions about Pools in Western Canada

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Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have about Blue Orca Pools and pools in general in Western Canada. If you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, just contact us!

What is the best type of pool for the money?

The best type of pool for the money will ultimately depend on your specific needs, budget, and preferences. In general, above-ground pools tend to be more affordable and easier to install compared to in-ground pools. They are a good option for those looking for a budget-friendly choice that can still provide hours of fun and relaxation in the summer.

However, if you are looking for a more permanent and customizable option, in-ground pools may be worth the investment. While they are pricier upfront, in-ground pools can add value to your property and offer more design options in terms of shape, size, and material. Additionally, they tend to last longer and require less maintenance compared to above-ground pools. Ultimately, the best type of pool for the money will be one that fits within your budget and meets your specific needs and preferences.

Do you bond a fiberglass pool?

Yes, fiberglass pools can be bonded just like any other type of pool. Bonding is the process of connecting all metal components within the pool, such as the handrails, ladders, and light fixtures, to a common grounding source. This helps prevent electrical shocks and ensures the safety of swimmers. Properly bonding a fiberglass pool is essential for meeting electrical safety codes and standards.

It is important to have a professional electrician or pool contractor properly bond a fiberglass pool to ensure it is done correctly and in compliance with safety regulations. The bonding process typically involves installing bonding wires that connect all metal components to the pool’s bonding grid, which is then connected to the pool’s electrical system. By bonding a fiberglass pool, you can ensure the safety and longevity of your pool and equipment.

What is the best base for a fiberglass pool?

The best base for a fiberglass pool is typically a concrete slab. A concrete slab provides a strong and stable foundation for the pool to sit on, ensuring it remains level and secure. Additionally, a concrete base helps to prevent the pool from shifting or settling over time, reducing the risk of cracks or damage to the fiberglass shell. It also allows for proper drainage and support for the weight of the pool and water, ensuring long-term stability and durability.

In some cases, a compacted gravel or sand base may also work well for a fiberglass pool, particularly in areas where soil conditions are stable and drainage is not a concern. However, a concrete base is generally recommended for optimal support and longevity of the pool. Ultimately, the best base for a fiberglass pool will depend on factors such as soil conditions, local climate, and personal preference, so it is important to consult with a professional fiberglass pool installer to determine the most suitable option for your specific circumstances.

How often should you clean a fiberglass pool?

To keep your fiberglass pool in the best condition possible, it is recommended to clean it on a weekly basis. This includes skimming the surface for debris, scrubbing the walls and floor to prevent algae build-up, and checking the water chemistry levels. Additionally, it is important to vacuum the pool regularly to remove any dirt and debris that may have settled on the bottom.

In addition to weekly maintenance, it is also important to perform a more thorough cleaning of your fiberglass pool on a monthly basis. This may involve scrubbing the pool with a pool brush, cleaning the filters, and balancing the chemicals in the water. By staying on top of regular cleaning and maintenance tasks, you can ensure that your fiberglass pool remains clean, safe, and enjoyable for all who use it.

How do you winterize a fiberglass pool?

To winterize a fiberglass pool, start by balancing the pool water. This includes adjusting the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels. It’s important to keep the water clean and clear before closing the pool for the winter. Next, lower the water level in the pool to below the skimmer and return lines. This helps prevent freezing and damage to the pool’s plumbing lines.

After lowering the water level, remove all debris from the pool, including leaves, sticks, and other debris that could cause staining or damage. Once the pool is clean, add a winterizing chemical kit to help protect the pool during the winter months. Finally, cover the pool with a winter pool cover to keep out debris and protect it from the elements. Following these steps will help ensure your fiberglass pool stays in good condition during the winter and is ready to enjoy again in the spring.

Do fiberglass pools get algae?

Yes, fiberglass pools can still get algae just like any other type of pool. Algae growth is typically caused by factors like low sanitizer levels, poor circulation, and inadequate filtration. If these conditions are present in a fiberglass pool, algae can thrive and begin to grow on the walls and floor of the pool.

To prevent algae growth in a fiberglass pool, it is important to maintain proper water chemistry levels, regularly clean and brush the pool walls and floor, and ensure that the pool is properly circulated and filtered. Regularly shocking the pool and using algaecide can also help to prevent algae growth. By taking these preventative measures and staying on top of pool maintenance, algae growth can be effectively controlled in a fiberglass pool.

What is the easiest inground pool to maintain

Fiberglass pools are often considered the easiest inground pool to maintain. This is because fiberglass pools have a smooth, non-porous surface that resists algae growth and makes cleaning much simpler. Additionally, the smooth surface of fiberglass pools makes them easier to vacuum and maintain proper chemical levels.

Another factor that makes fiberglass pools easy to maintain is their durability. These pools are less likely to require repairs or resurfacing compared to other types of inground pools, such as concrete or vinyl liners. This can save both time and money in the long run when it comes to pool maintenance.

Overall, the low maintenance requirements of fiberglass pools make them a popular choice for many homeowners looking for a hassle-free option for their backyard oasis.

What is the best size inground pool?

The best size for an inground pool ultimately depends on your personal preferences, budget, and available space. Larger pools are great for families or those who enjoy entertaining guests, as they provide more room for swimming and activities. However, they also require more maintenance, water, and energy to operate. Smaller pools are more budget-friendly and easier to maintain, making them a good option for individuals with limited space or those looking for a simple and relaxing swimming experience.

When determining the best size for your inground pool, consider how you plan to use it most frequently. If you are mainly looking to relax and cool off, a smaller pool may be sufficient. On the other hand, if you enjoy swimming laps or hosting pool parties, a larger pool may be more suitable. It’s important to also consider the layout of your backyard and any additional features you may want to include, such as a hot tub or patio area. Ultimately, the best size inground pool is one that fits your needs and lifestyle while still providing enjoyment for years to come.

How long does it take to put in a fiberglass pool?

The time it takes to install a fiberglass pool can vary depending on various factors such as the size of the pool, the complexity of the installation site, and the weather conditions. However, on average, the installation process for a fiberglass pool typically takes around 2 to 4 weeks from start to finish.

The process usually includes excavating the site, preparing the area for installation, placing the fiberglass pool shell into the ground, connecting the necessary plumbing and electrical components, backfilling the area around the pool, and finally filling the pool with water. Proper curing time for the pool shell and the surrounding area may also be required before the pool is fully operational.

It is important to work with experienced professionals and follow any specific guidelines provided by the pool manufacturer to ensure that the installation is done correctly and efficiently. By following the recommended steps and allowing the appropriate time for each stage of the process, you can enjoy your new fiberglass pool for many years to come.

Can fiberglass pools be salt water?

Yes, fiberglass pools can be salt water. In fact, many fiberglass pool manufacturers now offer saltwater systems as an alternative to traditional chlorine-based systems. Saltwater pools are becoming increasingly popular due to their lower maintenance requirements and gentler feel on the skin. The fiberglass material itself is not affected by saltwater, so there is no risk of corrosion or damage to the pool structure. However, it is important to ensure that the saltwater system is installed correctly and that proper maintenance procedures are followed to keep the pool in optimal condition.

Do fiberglass pools look good?

Yes, fiberglass pools can look very good and have a clean, modern appearance. They have a smooth, sleek finish that is visually appealing and can enhance the overall aesthetic of a backyard or outdoor living space. Additionally, fiberglass pools come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, allowing homeowners to choose a design that complements their style and preferences. Overall, fiberglass pools are known for their durable, low-maintenance construction and attractive appearance.

In terms of aesthetics, fiberglass pools often have a seamless look that can create a luxurious and inviting atmosphere. The gel coat finish of fiberglass pools is available in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing homeowners to customize the appearance to suit their taste. The smooth surface of fiberglass also resists algae growth, keeping the pool looking clean and inviting with minimal effort. Additionally, fiberglass pools are often praised for their modern and sleek appearance, making them a popular choice for homeowners looking to create a visually stunning outdoor oasis.

How good are fiberglass pools?

Fiberglass pools are a popular choice for many homeowners due to their durability, low maintenance requirements, and ease of installation. These pools are made from a single pre-formed shell that is placed into an excavated hole, making the installation process quicker and more streamlined compared to other types of pools. Fiberglass pools are also known for their smooth surface, which reduces the likelihood of algae growth and makes cleaning and maintenance easier.

Additionally, fiberglass pools are less likely to develop cracks or leaks over time, providing a long-lasting and reliable option for those looking to invest in a swimming pool for their property. Overall, fiberglass pools are a high-quality choice for homeowners seeking a durable, low-maintenance, and aesthetically pleasing swimming pool option.

How long do fiberglass pools last?

Fiberglass pools are known for their durability and longevity, with an average lifespan of 25 to 30 years. However, with proper maintenance and care, a well-constructed fiberglass pool can last even longer. Regular upkeep such as maintaining appropriate water chemistry, cleaning the pool regularly, and ensuring proper circulation and filtration can help extend the lifespan of a fiberglass pool.

Additionally, the quality of the fiberglass pool installation and the materials used can also impact its longevity. Choosing a reputable and experienced local pool builder, using high-quality materials, and following proper installation guidelines can help ensure a fiberglass pool lasts for many years. Overall, fiberglass pools are a popular choice for their durability and low maintenance requirements, making them a long-lasting investment for many homeowners.